Wednesday, June 22, 2011


I have a confession to make.

I have no idea what to write about tonight.

I have no idea what to write about, but I know I need to write.  It's just one of those nights.  I have all these unfinished thoughts running around in my head at lightspeed and they're all looking for their places.  And it's raining - a big, bright Texas thunderstorm.  So I've got great music, the sound of rain, and the occasional flash of lightning.  It's like a dream come true.  So of course I have to write; it would be madness not to.

Like always, my inspiration just hit me in the face, unexpected and sudden.  Here goes.

So I've got this best friend.  Well, best friend isn't quite the term.  More like soul sister, brain twin, sanity, partner in crime, occasional mother, inspiration, teacher... some combination of all of those things, and more.  Anyway, clearly, she is awesome.  It all began a few years ago when we discovered that we didn't quite fit in our group of friends.  Or really that we didn't quite fit in anywhere.  Since then we've gotten a little older, a little wiser, a little sillier; we've read good books and listened to good music; we've discovered what we're really good at, and what we're maybe not so good at; we've had lots of successes and some failures; one of us has fallen in love and been through some of the worst pain, the other has made some silly mistakes; we've seen God at work in each other's lives and in our own; we've learned a lot; we've got scores of inside jokes and we've probably had more fun than should be humanly possible.  And we still don't really fit in.  But it's a good kind of not fitting in.  She's the kind of best friend everyone wants - you know, the kind who knows exactly what you're thinking or feeling without you ever having to utter a single word, the kind who pushes you to do your best and makes you do what know you need to do, the kind who tells you like it is when you're refusing to acknowledge it, the kind who understands everything you say, whether it's a complete thought or not, the kind who sends you good indie music and tells you your writing is good, the kind who laughs at all your jokes, even when they suck.  The kind you have no idea where you would be without.  She is one of the best pieces of evidence that God is here, in my life, and He loves me immensely.  I could write pages upon pages about her and our friendship and all of our jokes and the things God has taught us through each other.  Of course, I can't and won't do that here, so this will have to suffice.  You know what they say - "A picture's worth a thousand words."  So here are a few that give you a pretty good glimpse into our lives.

Dedicated to the bestest friend a girl could possibly ask for. I love you LC!
Also, thanks for some of the pictures. :)

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