Friday, December 24, 2010

how to be uncool

they say all good things must come to an end.  I have yet to decide just how good it was, but my first semester of college has come to it's end.  there were good days and bad, lessons learned, mistakes made, new experiences, old feelings, and, of course, entirely too much fast food. and while it may be cliche, I feel like a good way to give myself some closure is to write a post about all the things - some silly, some serious - that I've learned over the course of the last five months.  besides, I love cliche. cliche and I understand each other quite well. so, well, without being TOO awkward, here it is...? :

1. take one day at a time.  don't plan ahead.  things work out so much better than you can even imagine when you don't try to control them yourself.
2. I am not cool.  this is probably most of the reason that people like me. 
3. life is much too short to not act like a 5 year old for at least a few minutes every day.  seriously, go run around your house acting like a spy, laugh altogether too loudly, play a prank, make a silly face at someone, drink chocolate milk.  children understand the world so much better than all of us who have lived here for so much longer.
4. don't feel guilty about things you've done.  don't justify them, don't say they are no big deal, but don't beat yourself up over them.  as a wise woman once told me, "that's life. you'll fall down again, but you'll always get back up.  it's not over just because you did something stupid."
5. ENJOY. enjoy enjoy enjoy.  life is beautiful.  pay attention to the little things going on.  breathe deeply when the air is crisp and cool.  walk slowly.  notice the sun late in the afternoon when it casts that beautiful, warm gold on everything in the world.  see the good and the beauty in people, look past their clothes and the way they walk - see their stories, they're often hidden in their eyes.
6. no matter how many times I ignore Him, God is always there.  I can't say that He always comes back to me, because He never leaves me.  if He were a man He would have given up on me long ago, chalked it up to the fact that I am a flighty, silly, half-hearted girl.  instead He's loved me and protected me, given me peace and hope and taught me all sorts of things.
7. back to acting like a child, but the more serious side of things: love deeply and without hindrance.  see not the potential for pain and disappointment, but instead the beauty of love and it's origin.  look at the world with wide eyes, see the adventures in your everyday life.  it's not a walk to class - it's rushing into the heat of battle, it's a race to deliver an important message, or receive one.  it's not sleep - it's a journey into that magical land of dreams.  it isn't studying for an exam - it's taking a step back from the whole entire world and then looking at one tiny piece with a magnifying glass.  look for the good in everything and everyone.  it is always there.  play, dance, laugh - it takes the mundane out of the day.
8. coffee rocks my world.
9. sisterhood is a beautiful thing. sisters get you through everything.  they give you advice and hugs and go with you to get food when you're hungry.  they stay up all night studying with you and then laugh with you the next day when you're delusional from your lack of sleep. they listen to all your stupid stories, make you sane again, and tell you you're pretty when you don't feel like it. after this semester, I am incredibly thankful for all the sisters in my life - for my blood sister, for my best friend, and for my alpha delta pi sisters.  you are all beautiful.

I'll end at nine, because if I were to make it ten it would be even MORE cliche.

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