Friday, June 1, 2012

meditations II

Grow us slowly, persistently, and deeply, Lord, to be people who watch without distraction, listen without interruption, and stay put without inclination to flee. Amen.
-from Morning Prayer for June 1, Common Prayer: A Liturgy for Ordinary Radicals

"This is a fitting time to open ourselves anew to the indwelling presence of God.  Ask the Father to fill you.  Ask Jesus to breathe on you.  Ask the Spirit to intoxicate you.  This week be still and receptive.  Freely seek the benefits and gifts that Jesus promises and Paul describes.  Above all, ask for love to increase in you."
-Living the Christian Year

"As we pour ourselves out for God and others, God graciously pours himself into us."
-Living the Christian Year

"In the work we have to do it does not matter how small and humble it may be, make it Christ's love in action... What matters is the gift of yourself, the degree of love that you put into each one of your actions."
-Mother Teresa

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